nutrition coaching
The holidays are a tricky time of year.
While there’s so much to be happy about and celebrate, there’s also a lot of stress that comes with it.
With the constant holiday celebrations back-to-back, it feels hard to stay on a healthy eating routine and adhere to a consistent workout schedule.
With holiday foods being in abundance, we find that our indulgences aren’t subject to only one day, instead leaving us feeling like one indulgence has a snowball effect into many more.
Between shopping for gifts, coordinating for travel, or preparing for house guests it feels like our health and goals become second string.
In the end, we head into January feeling guilty for over-indulging and in need of a reset. Oftentimes this leads us into crash diets and 30-day challenges that fizzle out at the end of the month because they only focus on a quick fix rather than long term remedies.
I’ve seen first hand and through my 1:1 clients that this does NOT have to be the case.
What if instead of being reactive during this time of year, we become PROACTIVE instead?
What if you went into the holiday season knowing how to create balance between indulgence and health without it feeling overwhelming or stressful?
I’ve had clients sign on to start working with me on their health journey in November with the mindset of being prepared and supported through this tricky time of year, and by getting ahead they managed to be well on their way to their goals when January came.
I never told my clients they couldn’t eat certain foods; instead I taught them how to balance nutrition with indulgences.
I never told my clients they had to diet during the holidays; instead I taught them how to navigate moderation in a sea of excess.
I never told my clients they had to be perfect; instead I taught them how to do the best they could in any situation.
This time of year is for happiness, enjoyment, and celebration - NOT dieting, restriction, and guilt.
Introducing Thriving Through the Holidays
I wanted to help more people feel this kind of confidence and empowerment headed into the holiday season and eliminate the January guilt, so I took the strategies my clients used and put them together into THIS course.
Thriving Through the Holidays is a course that is designed to tackle three major keys in navigating the holidays in a healthy manner successfully.
MINDSET - Module 1 focuses on the mindset you have going into the holidays that causes you to make the decisions that you do, and flips those mindsets on their head to transform how you view the holidays.
You’ll learn how to identify the mindsets you hold that are holding you back from success and how to combat these mindsets and shift into a more positive thought process that will empower you to take back control of your health during the holidays.
STRATEGIES - Module 2 dishes on all the strategies - no matter what obstacle you are facing - to help you make the best decision possible in any circumstance. Traveling to visit family? I’ve got strategies for that. Family drama get you down? I’ve got strategies for that. Grandma making her famous apple pie that you absolutely cannot resist? I’ve got strategies for that.
I’ll walk you through identifying your biggest obstacles and how to be solution-oriented in selecting your strategies, and creating a game plan you’ll feel confident with.
IMPLEMENTATION - Module 3 is all about implementation because giving you amazing strategies without teaching you how to use them won’t yield any results, right?! I’ll teach you how to take your strategies and make them into a fool proof blueprint for navigating your holidays with ease and enjoyment. If things go wrong, I got you there too - you’ll learn how to evaluate your progress, learn from your mistakes, and pivot your strategy to work better for you the next time.
By the end of this course, you’ll feel confident and in control of achieving your goals without the holiday season slowing you down and you’ll be bullet-proof to any quick fix scams in the new year!
This course includes...
Self-paced online course with 3 recorded modules providing you with mindset shifts, actionable strategies, and implementation tools to guide you through the holidays in a healthy way while eliminating guilt and maximizing confidence. You’ll have clear action at the end of each module to point you in the direction of achieving success and feeling confident while you do it.
Learn in your own way - each module comes in recorded presentation format, typed up transcript and audio format, with a copy of the slides provided to you to best meet your needs.
Each module has accompanying worksheets that help you take the lessons and apply them directly to your life so that you can be successful in implementing what you learn. These will help you shift your mindset, set your game plan, and evaluate and pivot with your strategies so you can overcome obstacles in real time!
Lifetime course access so you can use this course each and every year to help you navigate the holidays (or any other major events) while still aligning with your health and fitness goals.
During previous holidays, I had a tendency to overeat and overindulge. Immediately after, I would feel a lot of guilt and, honestly, didn’t feel good, which resulted in restrictive eating in the new year. I felt like I was in a cycle of two extremes and wanted to learn how to manage enjoying the holidays while also staying on track for my health and fitness goals. Thriving Through the Holidays is a mini course that provides just that! There are 3 modules that give you a concise, helpful, and applicable approach to staying on track while also enjoying the holidays. After completing the course, I feel empowered to make good choices to stay on track with my goals and avoid overeating while mindfully indulging guilt-free! This holiday season won’t throw me off my goals all thanks to Diana’s Thriving Through the Holidays course!
- Kim
Peek inside the course 👉🏼
I've been there...
I used to reset in January every year because I always felt as though I had overdone it during the holidays.
With the holiday parties and family gatherings, I entered the new year feeling sluggish and filled with regret for over-indulging and as a result I would overcompensate in January to make up for it.
I haven’t done this in years because I mastered the ability to balance my intake, navigate my holiday season with my goals and values in mind, and overcome obstacles using these exact strategies detailed in Thriving Through the Holidays.
Now I help others navigate the holidays as well as their everyday lives without feeling overwhelmed with dieting, macro tracking, or restricting. Instead I focus on habit-based methods that empower you to make decisions you feel GOOD about without feeling like you’re missing out.
I know first hand you DON’T have to feel guilty at the end of the holiday season for indulging and having a good time. Balance IS possible, and I’m here to provide you the tools you need to master your habits this holiday season. All you have to do is follow my lead.
-Coach Diana Leigh
Are you ready to feel in control during the holidays rather than feel like you fell off the wagon?
Do you want to maintain or continue to achieve your health and fitness goals without missing out on sweets, treats, and events?
Grab your access to Thriving Through the Holidays today!