Can I just say, it’s good to be back!
These past few weeks have been a whirlwind. Here’s a quick recap:
I traveled to Cancun for three days to celebrate my bachelorette party AND 30th birthday. We kicked it at an all inclusive resort, ate good food, and had some drinks. It took me a few days to catch up on sleep from that one.

The following weekend was Memorial Day weekend, which to be honest I treated like a regular weekend. I saw my friend DJ at a bar and started binge-watching Stranger Things.

I got back into routine that following week only to be taken back out again to fly to the east coast. We traveled to Massachusetts to see Sean’s family and attended a wedding in Rhode Island. I popped in on my best friend in Boston just before taking the train to New Jersey. During my week in Jersey, we drove over two hours each day for my wedding dress fittings, hair and make-up trial, and meeting our florist (those last two by the way were in Connecticut).

Yep I hit 4 states in one week and honestly writing all that out exhausted me 😅
But I got home just in time to use the entire weekend to give myself the reset I needed before jumping back into routine for real.
With so many moving parts, it was hard to be 100% with my usual habits - and that’s okay!
I didn’t stress about possibly losing progress in my fitness - I did my best to fit in workouts and a few days I settled for a walk outside. In fact, I feel amazing at the gym this week so I don’t feel like I lost much at all.
I navigated my nutrition as best as I could. Sometimes I had more control over what I ate and other times not so much. I did my best to be balanced, make good decisions, and (most importantly) I ate my meals mindfully.
It goes to show you that it isn’t always about how you eat and move when you’re in routine, but also when you’re out of routine.
Does being out of routine cause you to drop all your habits?
Do you feel like if you can’t do it perfectly, why do it at all?
A simple mindset you can take on to help you eliminate guilt and find balance in all kinds of situations is:
Ask yourself, “How can I make this just a little better?”
If you cannot make it to the gym four times in a week, you can maybe go two or three times. Maybe you don’t go at all but you go for walks. Maybe you make time at the end of each day to stretch. All movement counts.
If you can’t eat perfectly, consider how you can still balance your plate. If you can’t balance your plate as well as you’d like, you can still focus on eating mindfully and stopping when you’re full.
You always have an option, but you have to shift your mindset in order to see the options available to you.
Some snaps from the gram: