nutrition coaching
Tired of the 'Eat Less, Train More' Cycle?
Break Free from Frustration and Achieve Lasting Results.
Is this you? 👀
You've tried countless diets over the years. Some have worked, but only temporarily while others have left you feeling more miserable than before.
Showing up to your workouts isn't your issue, but for all the hard work you're putting in you feel as though you should be seeing better results.
You're a Type A overachiever personality. You like when someone tells you *exactly* what to do to get results but you're often feeling like you're not doing enough or you're getting burnt out from your efforts.
You function on high-stress and struggle to relax. You struggle with feeling guilty of not being productive enough or anxious when you're sitting still.
You struggle with one or more of the following symptoms:
✔️ Fatigue either all day or particularly in the morning or midafternoon
✔️ Difficulty falling or staying asleep
✔️ Indigestion, severe bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea often
✔️ Brain fog or difficulty concentrating
✔️ Low libido
✔️ Extreme PMS symptoms like bloating, cramping, brain fog, or night sweats
✔️ Struggle with hunger management or cravings for hyper-palatable foods
✔️ Feelings of anxiety or depression
Is it you or is it your hormones?
It's both.
Your hormone and gut health is determined by your nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle history up until this point. Unfortunately, you likely didn't know better when you spent years chronically dieting, over-training, and highly stressed because that's what diet culture told you to do. Fortunately, there is something we can do about it.
Just like our hormone and gut health is determined by our past choices, they can be healed by our future choices. Through nutrition, fitness, lifestyle, and supplemental strategies we can get you back to feeling radiant, revitalized, and in full control of your health journey.

Hi, I'm Coach Diana Leigh
I know exactly how you feel because I was just like you. I was highly stressed and spent years dieting while training all the time only to be left feeling exhausted and miserable in my body.
I also know what it's like to heal, and now I help others do the same through 1:1 coaching.

Over the time spent working with Coach Diana my lab work is all within normal ranges. I’m aiming towards 7 hours of sleep daily. I workout 4 days a week doing weight workouts and some cardio. I have my sweet tooth under control! I’m eating more whole and clean food and I have more flexibility when it comes to food choices. I am less fatigued and my mind/physical body image has improved.

Nutrition coaching with her came into my life at the most chaotic time with changing medical diagnoses and intense procedures and she took more time to care about my overall health than even some of the doctors did! We worked on the many habits that I was struggling with: recognizing and responding to my body’s hunger and fullness cues, quality sleep habits that affected my mood, nutrition content and how to improve it, working my way into fitness before/during/after the medical changes, and so much more.

The most invaluable part of this experience has been what you can't see. Physically my gut health and energy have greatly improved now that I'm properly fueling my body and eating balanced meals and more whole foods. Mentally it feels like a cloud has been lifted now that I am no longer dwelling in what I can and can't eat, weighing food, or experiencing the guilt of having a cookie.
I went from Under-eating, over-training, and chronically fatigued to well nourished, fueled, and energized (without tracking macros)

I looked the part of someone who was fit and took care of themselves, but in reality I was struggling.
I was restricting during the week - my meals would be perfectly prepped, I counted and tracked every macro, and I was constantly eating in a deficit.
My weekends consisted of bingeing on food and alcohol. I'd feel guilty by the end of my weekend, reel myself in for another week, and lose control again when the next weekend hit. I was stuck in this cycle.
At my worst, I was training 2 hours a day, 6 days a week with no focus on recovery because "I didn't have time." I dealt with constant nagging injuries that forced me to modify my workouts more and more until I couldn't even squat without pain. I stopped running all together.
In addition, I struggled with awful anxiety. I was constantly stressed and I was always pushing through fatigue because I felt I had to. Caffeine was my lifeline to make it through the day.
To everyone else, I appeared discipline.
In actuality I was miserable.
✨ I don't track my food - I eat intuitively knowing what fuels me best for my goals with mindfulness around my portions and macros.
✨I don't restrict - I eat whatever I want from pasta to chicken fingers. I don't lose control around these foods and I don't feel guilty. Instead I feel free.
✨I work out 4 times a week for about an hour each session at varied levels of intensity. I prioritize recovery and I'm now pain-free (no more nagging injuries!).
✨I still believe I exercise discipline, but that discipline has transferred over to ensuring I care for my body and find balance between stress and recovery.
✨I have a steady stream of energy and I am off my SSRI medications. I no longer deal with anxious feelings over seemingly nothing.
The beauty of this journey is I don't think I look much different, yet I feel so much better. Eating more and training less didn't come at the cost of my goals, but instead made me that much healthier and stronger.
Now I'm helping others transform their health and relationship with food without sacrificing their fitness goals.

Don't just take my word for it...
here's what my clients have to say:

If you have apprehensions about the cost of hiring Diana, I encourage you to give it a try. What I have gotten out of this experience far outweighs the investment.
Diana has been critical in reversing DECADES of disordered eating and helping me create an improved relationship with food. Through yo-yo dieting, frequent binges, prolonged times severely restricting my calories, and over exercising I was at the end of my rope mentally and physically. Not to mention, I had recently given birth and wanted to make sure my daughter had a solid foundation around nutritional education and didn't have to experience what I did.
From the start, Diana took a very practical and sustainable approach to changing my habits. As soon as the first week I started seeing results. I was spending less time obsessing over food, as well as actually losing weight.
I never felt like I was on a diet because I wasn't. I was building habits that I could maintain for my entire life. I stopped stressing about what to eat when going to restaurants or having guilt about enjoying a treat. I was even able maintain weight loss over Thanksgiving and Christmas (yes, I still ate mashed potatoes and pie). To my surprise I was even able to get back down to the size I was when I was restricting as little as 750 calories a day, but I was easily eating 1,000+ calories more.
However, the most invaluable part of this experience has been what you can't see. Physically my gut health and energy have greatly improved now that I'm properly fueling my body and eating balanced meals and more whole foods. Mentally it feels like a cloud has been lifted now that I am no longer dwelling in what I can and can't eat, weighing food, or experiencing the guilt of having a cookie. I know I am more equipped to make sure my daughter has a healthy relationship with food from the start.
Thank you Diana for the healthy habits and mindset you’ve instilled in me!
Before working with Diana I was all about losing weight fast. Growing up as a competitive athlete my weight always seemed to fluctuate. The want to be "thin" started as young as a freshman in high school taking diet pills to then in college tracking my food intake. Once I stopped playing soccer it was like everything slowed down. I have been chasing that body I used to have for the last 10 years. Even at my wedding I thought I look fat and looking back now its like I would give anything to go back to that weight/size.
I was gaining weight, not eating as healthy and its like I was looking for the next quick fix, losing weight was never done in a healthy way. I came across Diana on Instagram on my For You page. The first video I saw was her talking about having food freedom. I thought to myself there is no way that life actually exists. After a year of following Diana on Instagram and multiple tries try lost weight and keep it off (which includes intermittent fasting, Moom, carb cycling you name it I have done it) I finally through my hands up in the air and said this can't be my life. So when Diana had posted about how she selects her clients and the interview process I thought what the hell I'm going for it. I couldn't keep up this cycle of losing weight and gaining it back and FINALLY I was ready for a LIFE CHANGE.
Admittedly when I reached out to Diana and she took me on as a client my main goal was losing weight. I wanted her to give me the "special sauce" to lose weight and love my body. After almost a year of working with Diana I will tell you, I have lost no weight, HOWEVER, what Diana has done for me mentally is something that I will ALWAYS pick over losing weight.
Diana really broke it down for me. When we got down to the root reason of why I wanted to lose weight it was all superficial. Instead we focused on my habits, how many hours was I sleeping every night how often was I exercising WHY was I exercising how do I cope with stress. After almost working Diana for 1 year my overall health and well being has improved tremendously. For the first time in I think my entire life I am prioritizing rest over exercise. I am sleeping 7-8 hours a night because I am making that a priority. With the added amount of rest, I have been able to go harder in my workouts and lift heavier, run faster. I have also pulled back on working out and learned to listen to my body and understand that I don't need to do a 60 minute HIIT workout to count exercise for the day. On the days that I am tired I go for a longer walk. When it comes to managing my stress I feel confident in setting boundaries and letting my support system know when I need help.
Now that I have gotten down the basics, Diana and I can address losing weight and what that looks like and what will be best to fit my lifestyle. If you had known me a year ago to now I am a completely different person, and I attribute that a lot to Diana. I know longer look at food as a negative but as fuel to my body. I look at my meals as balanced and not calorie restricting. If I want pizza I am going to eat pizza! But to make it more balanced ill add a protein and a veggie as some toppings. The lessons that Diana has taught me in such a short amount of time are invaluable. She is not only me health coach but I consider her a friend. She actually cares about me and my well being and even though that comes with some tough conversations I can't imagine my healthy journey without her. I see it as a privilege to be her client.


Before working with Coach Diana, I had tried it all (macro counting, WW, numerous other programs) and it would work for a little while, but then I'd go right back to my same old habits. I struggled with staying consistent and I was just feeling tired, unmotivated and sorry for myself.
I found Coach Diana on Instagram and started following her for almost an entire year before I started working with her. I did my original consult and knew I needed to work with her, but I told myself "it wasn't the right time" and "I just couldn't afford it right now". But at the end of 2022, I was just sick of my own BS and decided to make the investment in myself, even though I was going through some very stressful personal things.
Coach Diana has taught me how to deal with those stressful times and give myself grace, listen to by body's hunger/fullness cues, eat slower and mindfully, and eat without having to track every macro down to the gram. She has taught me how to portion my meals in a balanced way, while still including the foods that I love and not feel guilty about it! My mindset about food has shifted in a positive way because of Coach Diana's guidance. She has shown me that it's not about the number on the scale or the number of macros I'm "allowed" to eat. I feel the most confident and healthiest I've ever felt thanks to Coach Diana.
Before working with Coach Diana, I was struggling with disordered eating. I was restricting food and I was feeling under-fueled for my workouts. I decided to hire Coach Diana because she understands how athletes should fuel and I knew that she could help me accomplish my goals of body recomposition and finding food freedom. The best part of working with Coach Diana is celebrating the wins, no matter how big or small. She's helped me define success off the scale. Because of her coaching, I'm much less anxious around food and I feel fueled and strong during my workouts.

now it's your turn

✨ Become EMPOWERED by nutrition so you can navigate your food choices with less guilt and more balance and freedom all while maintaining a focus on nourishing and fueling your body.
✨ Trash your food scale and delete MyFitnessPal for good - learn how to navigate nutrition in a lifestyle-friendly way that doesn't require weighing, measuring, and tracking your food to the gram.
✨ Restore balance to your hormone and gut health with personalized nutrition, fitness, lifestyle adjustments, and targeted supplement protocols aimed at addressing underlying issues for lasting health and vitality.
✨ Master the art of balancing stress and recovery to elevate energy levels, reduce anxiety, and optimize performance both in daily life and fitness pursuits.
✨ Cultivate unwavering confidence in overcoming challenges and staying aligned with your health goals effortlessly.
✨ Gain CONTROL over your life - never again will you feel at the mercy of your diet, body, or food.
✨ Get stronger and feel amazing in your body. You'll be amazed at how amazing you can feel with so much freedom!
WEEKLY CHECK INS with Diana for real-time support on your custom nutrition and health strategies. This is our time to assess what’s going well, identify where you are struggling, and develop a strategy to help you move forward in the upcoming week.
DAILY MESSAGING ACCESS for ongoing guidance and accountability throughout the week to help you overcome unexpected obstacles and stay on track.
MONTHLY SUPPORT CALLS for additional support as needed through both private one-on-one calls to work through mindset struggles, troubleshoot obstacles, and get more in depth with your coaching.
PERSONALIZED NUTRITION GUIDANCE designed and updated according to your lifestyle and goals so that you can make empowered food decisions both at home and on the go without obsessive measuring and tracking.
For gut health protocols, receive expert support in navigating elimination and reintroduction diets, addressing symptoms, and fostering gut healing for optimal well-being
INDIVIDUALIZED HEALTH PROTOCOLS with step-by-step instruction on nutrition, fitness, lifestyle, and supplement strategies to balance your hormones and heal your gut health for good.
Coaching also includes access to discounted supplements.
LAB WORK REVIEW AND INTERPRETATION for a health-focused approach to your journey. Dive deep into your health journey with protocols designed to optimize your well-being, surpassing mere satisfaction to achieve peak vitality. Gain invaluable support in advocating for your health during medical consultations, ensuring accurate diagnoses and tailored care.
Coaching also includes access to discounted lab services.
OPTION TO ADD TRAINING TO YOUR PROGRAM Get even better results by combining your nutrition with a program build to get you stronger and fitter while prioritizing recovery. Learn more here.
this is for you if...
✅ Maybe you tried macros, maybe you didn’t - but you’re confident that you don’t want to track your food by the macro and calorie for the rest of your life.
✅You've tried it all, but nothing seems to be working. You're tired of trying diet after diet and busting your a$$ in the gym while still feeling miserable. You're ready to take a more health-focused approach to achieve your goals.
✅ You want to feel confident about making decisions on the go in line with your goals. No more missing out on social events and a lot more living!
✅ You know that you need higher level support beyond being told how much to eat. You are ready to dig deep into your health and resolve your symptoms once and for all.
✅ You’re ready to accept help and put in the work. This program requires effort on your part. You’ll get out of it what you put in.
✅ You value long-term sustainability over fast results. You understand this is about making a lifestyle shift healing takes time. This is not an immediate process, and the minimum commitment for coaching is 6-months.
✅ Your health goals are a priority. You want to commit to making your dreams a reality and you’re ready to invest in yourself.
Does this sound like you? Apply today!
this isn't for you if...
❌ You're looking for a quick fix or magic pill. This method doesn't provide instant results that provides a sexy social media transformation post. You need to be ready to work now for the results you get in the long-run.
❌ You're not ready to commit. My program requires a minimum commitment of 6 months but most protocols require 12+ months for full recovery. Change doesn't happen overnight.
❌ You are not prepared to make difficult decisions for long-term gain. There are certain choices that got you here, meaning there are things we will need to change to help you heal. You cannot heal and find the success you're looking for without being willing to do things differently.
❌ You want to be handed a meal plan and told what to do. While I give you guidance on how to eat for your goals, I also teach you how to do it for yourself. You need to be willing to put in the work and take responsibility for your success.
❌ You’re not open or receptive to constructive feedback. I'm looking to work with those who are coachable and willing to step out of their comfort zones to transform their lives.
❌ You want results handed to you. With my 1:1 coaching, you get what you put in. I will provide you the education and tools you need to succeed, but it will ultimately be up to you to take charge in giving this program your all, reaching out for support when you need it, and being open and willing to change.


Coach Diana Leigh has drastically changed my view on nutrition. For the longest I struggled seeing the progress I sought for. I would constantly hit a wall, and although I was eating healthier there was key things missing. Diana guided me through these obstacles and was able to pinpoint those changes to help me reach my goals. Things such as watching the amount of sodium in your nutrition, food choices, as well as making sure you eat ENOUGH. These things were what I was missing to help me get to a body weight which I hadn't been at for over 15 years. Alongside that, she has provided constant support, encouragement, and kept me accountable while in my journey. The knowledge she has provided me has now changed my nutrition habits, and relationship with food for the better.
If I could briefly describe working with Diana one on one I would say it’s life changing. Initially I talked to Diana about working with her just so I had someone to hold me accountable and tell me what to eat. But after the FIRST meeting with her, she identified my “All or Nothing” mindset, which was my biggest downfall when it came to nutrition. Nutrition isn’t all about being PERFECT all the time. It’s about finding what works best for you and YOUR lifestyle, being consistent, and just feeling your best. Diana helped identify areas where I struggle and together we came up with strategies to beat those struggles. Why is that more important than asking someone to simply give you a meal plan (that probably isn't specific to YOU and YOUR goals)? Because you can take the knowledge and strategies you learn from Diana and apply them for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. I stopped working with Diana three weeks ago, sadly, and I am STILL making far more progress in my nutrition and fitness goals than I was before Diana. I don't see me falling off the success train. I will never again look at nutrition as this impossible task that only rich, professional athletes that have all the resources can accomplish. I truly believe I am the best version of myself I have seen in my 24 years of living, and I thank Diana for helping me reach this version.